Hello, I'm John Hoyte This is Blog #1
Reading my memoir aloud at the Chrysostom Society meeting at Camp Casey, WA.
This, my first blog, is to introduce you to my web site. Through it I am hoping to give you an overview of my life, which I might call, “A journey into Light”. The journey goes on, here in Bellingham, Washington, and is as rich and challenging as it has ever been. I am deeply in love with Luci Shaw, a well known poet, whom I married twenty five years ago. I make little claim to the remarkable things that have happened over the years and can only echo what Oliver Sacks expressed in his latest book, “Gratitude.” That title is the word that keeps coming to mind.
This overview covers some of my deeper interests, writing, sketching, acrylic painting, engineering, music and finally “expeditioning.” Two of the expeditions took place in the Alps and the third in the Sierra mountains of California. I plan to go into them in some detail as, in each case, they were unique and had a profund impact on my life. The fourth is the creation of a symbiosis, a forging of a new life together with Luci.
From time to time I plan to update this blog and try to convey the profound richness of life we experience in our eighties.